What is a one day at H&H like?

One day at H&H is a intensive focus to review your business and goals in person at H&H Color Lab. After that day, you will leave with an action plan and a 1 month, 3 month and 6 month check-in call.

  • Focus

    One intensive day at H&H to discuss a review your business and goals.

  • Trust

    We take business planning very seriously. Any information discussed with H&H during your visit will be kept private.

  • A Plan

    After a long day at H&H you will leave with an actionable plan toward reaching your goals.

What do you get with a day at H&H?

A systematic approach to growing your business

  • 50 Years in Business

    We have been around for over 50 years. We not only understand the business of volume school and sports photography, we have been building and shaping it for decades.

  • A Pattern of Success

    With all the changes that have occurred in our industry over the years, H&H has seen a steady growth pattern. We feel blessed and believe this growth pattern is related to our company business philosophy

  • Lean Thinking

    Continuous process improvement is promoted by Lean Manufacturing production initiatives to focus on, analyze and improve specific workflows.